FREE Tool to network in affiliate industry

We are NOT an affiliate network.
We are NOT a tracking platform.
We are NOT a traffic source or advertiser.
We are your personal tool to find relevant affiliate partners.
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What our clients says

Our clients are the most important factor for us and we love them!

Frequently Asked Questions

We will try to answer the questions that you often ask us.

Our mission is to democratize the industry and give everyone equal opportunity to build their network and reach-out partners. Therefore, our basic functionality is free and will remain free forever. We will launch some additional premium features that will be paid, but they will not harm the basic functionality and principals.

Neither of them. We are working like a social network, attracting both advertisers and traffic sources to our platform and connecting them with each other to scale your business.

YIPPIE is a lead generation tool not an affiliate network. That means we are connecting person-to-person, not person-to-offer or traffic-to-offer. And we don’t get any commission from these connections.

We have 5000 verified users and this number is growing day by day!

We have advertisers and publishers from all over the world. We are trying to focus equally on all main verticals such as e-com, igaming, mobile apps and others.

We have 37% of publishers, 40% of advertisers and 23% of different tech solutions.

We are not providing you with links to traffic websites and we are not a database with emails of potential partners. We are about person-2-person collaboration. All our users are qualified leads who are ready to find new affiliate partners.